"Let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you." (Proverbs 3:2) If you focus on the past, it will eventually lead you to complaining about the present. Let's face it, we all do it . . . we talk about the good ol' days when things were so much better, and easier, and more comfortable than they are today. When we compare our rosy, hazy memory of yesteryear to today, inevitably we start to grumble. It's so dumb because as we grumble about our current situation, chances are pretty good that a few years down the road we will look back on this moment and say, "Oh for the good ol' days! Boy, it sure was great back then!" We should stop this foolish trend . . . we live in the light of some dreamy past leisure or pleasure, when in reality, God continues to show Himself strong all along the way!