"For the earth is the Lord's, and all it contains." (1Cor. 10:26) God has the whole world in His hands! What a wonderful truth. Remember the old song that mentions the wind, the rain, the little tiny baby, etc. being in His hands? But, how easy it is to sometimes forget that, especially with all the bad things going on in this world we live in. God has it all, not just our limited geographical area -- He's got China, & Ethiopia & India & Russia & everywhere else right there in the palm of His sovereign hands. And while we're at it, He's got our future, our children, our circumstances, our friends, & our enemies in His hands -- in His grasp & in His control. Even when imaginary fears creep in like the morning fog to blight our faith, He's there, in charge. He has yesterdays' failures, today's challenges, & tomorrow's surprises right there in His grasp. And, remember, nothing takes Him by surprise!