Things have changed quickly
Our ability to adjust to changes will determine our success
The photos above were taken one year apart. None of us could have guessed that this is what our Easter service would look like this year. No one was thinking that there would be a possibility that we would cancel this year's Eggstravaganza. In fact, we had some pretty big plans for both. I can't think of a single person who had loss of things like jobs, health, routine, peace of mind, or easy access to toilet paper on their radar for 2020, and yet here we are.
Someone once said that the only consistent thing in life is that life is always changing. Solomon wrote that there is a season for everything under heaven. And we all know that seasons also change, except in Florida.
So what do we do? Something that is very hard for us. We adapt to the changes around us, and learn to thrive in a new normal.
It won't be easy. It will take perseverance, patience, and a lot of hard work, but He who is in us can strengthen us for this task so that through it we can continue to do the work in this community that He called and equipped us to do.
Are you ready for something new?
Let me answer that for you. Yes, you are ready. I can say that confidently because I have watched as you have adapted to and overcome many challenges before COVID-19. I am sure that this family we call Revive Church will continue to rise to the occasion for our God and our community long after this virus has run its course. I've seen it in the past, and I also know that our God will be faithful to give us what we need to overcome for His glory.
So, we will do everything that we can to continue to share new life in Jesus in this context. For now we'll focus on doing as much as we can online, while planning for the day when things open back up again.
Here's an update on our current strategy
Sunday worship services - Our full 10:30 am service will stream live each week on FaceBook and our website. Previous services can be found on our website and Youtube. All of these links can be found at the bottom of this email.
Adult Grow Groups - Two of our Grow Groups will continue to meet each Sunday. The Heaberlins are hosting a class at 9:15 a.m. on Zoom (Contact Carl if you want to join). The Tompkins are hosting a class at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom (Contact Tommy if you want to join).
Young Adults - Thursday Nights at 7:00 p.m. Due to work schedules this may change. Contact Melissa Harp for details.
Legacy Youth Ministry - Our teens will meet Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom. Contact Jason Troyan if your student would like to join.
Little Sprouts Kid's Ministry - Amy Kelly will be checking in with Little Sprouts for devotions, chats, and prayer through video calls in FaceBook Messenger on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week at 2:00 p.m. Let her know if your little one would like to join.
Service Opportunities - We are working on some opportunities for you to safely serve while we are waiting for things to open back up. We are looking at doing some work projects, and delivering care packages. More info will come out soon. Contact Pastor Jason if you would like to help.
I pray continually for your safety, health, and well being. I'm also asking that God use each of us for His glory in spite of the limitations that we are experiencing right now.
Let's change the world.
In Him,
Pastor Jason
Our mission is to share new life in Jesus and develop Christ-followers who change the world.