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Off to a Great Start

Writer's picture: Revive Church LakelandRevive Church Lakeland

2021 is off to a great start

It's going to be a year that stretches us. This year is busy already, and in all the right ways. We have been able to help families through some tough times, witness responses to the Gospel, help feed hungry children, and have been making plans for expanding our ministry this year and beyond. God has blessed us with several opportunities to jump start this year, and our church family has seized those opportunities.

With all that is going on I wanted to send you a quick note to make sure that you have some quickly approaching dates on your calendar.

Evangelism Training - Saturday, FEB 20TH. IBL has invited us to join them again for a day of sharpening our evangelism skills. There are 2 spots left in the English speaking class. The class is from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM and costs $15 for supplies. Please respond to this email if you would like to grab one of these spots.

Run the Race - Our Kids Ministry will be talking about running the race for Jesus this Sunday. At the end of our service our kids will run an obstacle course to practice what they have learned. Don't miss this fun opportunity to support our kids. Also, we have a couple of spots left on our Kids Min team. Contact the office if you would like to learn more about serving in this amazing ministry.

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner - If you have served in any capacity during 2020 we want to celebrate you. We would love for you to join us for a fun and delicious time of honoring those who serve our church family. Please RSVP to info@revivechurchlakeland.com by Wednesday. FEB 17, if you would like to join us.

T-Shirt Orders - We've got the 2021 shirt design ready for you. We've gone with a simple design this year that we hope will be a conversation starter for you. Be ready to tell people about this amazing church family, and new life in Jesus whenever someone asks about Revive Church. Orders can be placed by clicking Hereand ordering directly from the company. The link will be live until Sunday, FEB 28TH, and shirts can be picked up at the church starting Sunday, MAR 7TH. Hoodies and totes are also available.

And one final note is on Eggstravaganza. It's coming up fast so we want to make sure that you are planning to help us love our community through this fun family event. More info will be coming out soon, but for now we wanted you to know that we will be moving the event to Saturday, APR 3RD.

Please help us get the word our about these events, and also be in prayer that God will provide the workers and resources we need as well as the opportunity to share the hope that we have in Him. There is no greater thing that we can do with our lives than to dedicate them to making His love known to the world.

Please let me know if there is any way that I can serve or pray for you.

With His Love,

Pastor Jason

Our mission is to share new life in Jesus and develop Christ-followers who change the world.

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