Celebrate who God is! Celebrate what God has done! Celebrate when it hurts! Celebrate what God is going to do!
When we think about what it means to Rejoice and give God the glory and honor He deserves it is humbling to think of how He loves us. As a church we are looking forward to rejoicing for what God does through Revive and we want to celebrate with you for what God does in your life as well.
We look forward to all there is to Rejoice about in 2022!
Celebration Highlights!

We are moving full steam ahead in this year and have multiple ways for anyone of any age to be a part of what God is doing at Revive!
We can't be the same without YOU, thank you for being a part of our terrific journey of ministry and showing God's love to others so that God will use us to develop Christ followers who change the world!
Opportunities at Revive Academy

Consider helping a student with costs or sponsor an activity or event for our Academy!
See Julie Walker for more information.

Dave and Connie Fleming Home Grow Group Every Thursday 2/10/22 starting at 7pm
Everyone Welcome!

Saturday 2/19/22 at 7am join us in some tasks that need our attention to spruce up our buildings and grounds.

February Legacy Youth events:
Friday 2/4/22 Laser Tag 5pm
Saturday 2/6/22 Mini Golf 4pm
Wednesday 2/23/22 Nerf War 6:30pm
Saturday 2/26/22 Citywide Youth Rally 11am

Are you ready to be a part of the adventure that Kids Ministry is, see Stephanie Schultz or Julie Walker for more information. Growing the next generation of believers is amazing and a huge part of building the church for the future!
Please let us know if there is any way that we can serve or pray for you.
Our mission is to share new life in Jesus and develop Christ-followers who change the world.
