Join us Easter Sunday April 9th at 8am or 10:30am We look forward to a time together of celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We have had a fabulous time of serving alongside one another, check out what building the kingdom has looked like recently:

Join us Friday nights for prayer, feel free to come by and pray as needed!

This Sunday we welcome Chosen People Ministries, you will want to hear about what they are doing.

Upcoming opportunities to serve and be part of God's ministry through Revive Church!

We pack again on Wednesday April 5th at 6:30pm, join the packing party!

Invite friends and family to Eggstravaganza, it will be an EGGcellent time! Volunteers are still needed see John Thomason for more info.

Are you ready for some intense Bible Study and a deep dive into Jonah? Dinner will be served at 6:15pm, cost per person is $20 to cover the cost of supplies for the study. Friday April 21st 7pm-1am, sign up soon as spots are limited.

Jetsetters next gathering is Monday April 24th at 11:30am.

Next Building and Grounds workday is Saturday April 29th at 7am!
What are is LEGACY Youth Up to you Ask.........
Fundraising for summer camp, thank you to everyone who came out
to Texas Roadhouse, it was a huge success.
They will be participating in a D-NOW (Discipleship Now) weekend April 14th and 15th.
Please be in prayer for our youth as they continue growing in their faith,
if you would like to contribute to their ministry please see Jason Troyan.
If you are not a part of Right Now Media, it's never too late to join. Amazing content to keep us encouraged and drawing close to Him!

Revive Vision Shirts

You may choose to pick up from the shop directly in Plant City or have it delivered to your home. There are T-Shirts, Long Sleeve T-Shirts, & Hoodies as well as trucker hats for sale this year. Please note that if a color or style is no longer or currently not an option for the long sleeve or hoodie there will be a line through the color choice. The link will be live all year so you can order at any time. Click Here to Order from Small Town Shirt Shack. Please let us know if there is any way that we can serve or pray for you.
Our mission is to share new life in Jesus and develop Christ-followers who change the world.
